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Keynote Speech:Youyun Zhang
時間:2014-12-12 16:34:20  來源:城市化雜志  作者: 文/譚少容 翻譯/李虹諭 


  Youyun Zhang: This is a wonderful speech! He was fascinated by Tanhualin during a short term visit at the first time which also reflects its value.

  There are too much temptation in today’s world, our choices represent our values.How do we properly understand and inherit our history and culture? We won’t go far on this road without the culture bases.

  Just now Nicolai has mentioned some successful cases of revitalization of old districts in Europe and how we are in line with the international standards.Tanhualin is in Wuchang,in China, but we do need international vision for its development.China is a grand nation which should be occupied with a vision of great nation and modern consciousness.

  Tanhualin carries our past history as well as our dream for the future.Tanhualin should not only be a model for the revitalization of historical and cultural districts in China but also an international recognizable one.Now our vision is to work towards this direction,adding international collaboration into the revitalization of Tanhualin.

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